Previous Episode: It’s Time

No matter how far away you get from God He will always take you back. One can’t serve the world and serve God too. You ... [Read more...]

The post No Matter How Far You Go first appeared on NPPBC.

No matter how far away you get from God He will always take you back. One can’t serve the world and serve God too. You have to make a choice to whom you will serve. Living for God you will have the best of life. He is there to back you and help you all the way. No matter how far out you run away from God He will wait and look for you. He’s waiting for you to say that you’re unworthy of His grace. One can’t hide anything from God. You can try to hide your sins from God but they will be brought out into the light. God is there to restore your salvation and remove your sins. It’s lonely once you leave Christ. If you chose to leave God then you’ve left your first love, the one that loved you before you were born. The devil will whisper into your ear to tell you that it’s alright to do something small, just a simple sin. Before you know it, if you give into that small sin the next sin is sure to come. If you don’t repent of that sin it will surely take you further than you’ve ever wanted to go. But all you have to do is to fall on your knees and ask God to forgive you, go back home to the Father.

The post No Matter How Far You Go first appeared on NPPBC.