Egypt has always been a representative of sin. Egypt, when spoken about, had great bondage on its people just as sin has on one’s life. ... [Read more...]

The post God Delivers Out of Bondage first appeared on NPPBC.

Egypt has always been a representative of sin. Egypt, when spoken about, had great bondage on its people just as sin has on one’s life. Moses was sent as a deliverer of a people out of this “sin”.

When God delivers it sometimes isn’t the way we thought it would have been. However, God is all-knowing and He knows what’s best for us.

God doesn’t always lead us out in the easiest way. In the scripture, we read that God lead them around the land of the Philistines. This wasn’t the easiest way out but God knew why they were to go this way. At times in our lives, we wonder why we have to go a certain way in our lives, and all while God knows why our paths go a certain way. God always has the plans for us.

In verses 19 and 20 we read that when God delivered them out of Egypt they were not going to return. Just in our lives when we are Born Again, the bondage of that sin, we are never to return to that place ever again. God throws our sins as far as the east is from the west, never to know them again. We should always move forward and never look back. Moving forward knowing the scripture we know the people often looked back and wished they were back in Egypt. This is just like we are at times that when God removes sin from our lives we want to go back to that sin and pick it back up again.

In verses 21 and 22 we see the pillar of fire and cloud. The only time we know of the pillar of fire changing course is when the Egyptian army came from behind them to try to destroy them. God moved it to protect them from the armies. At this point, God never pushes but leads you. This cloud for them had to be huge and of great size for the thousands of people to all be able to see them. For 40 years the large pillar of cloud leads them during the day. By night a pillar of fire just as large as the cloud at day. These people got to see these miraculous things that lead them from sin. In our lives, we have the one that baptized us with fire. The Word of God is like the cloud that leads us at all times.

The post God Delivers Out of Bondage first appeared on NPPBC.