Amy Holem, audio forensic analyst, helps victims of #DirectedEnergyNeuroattacks, #TargetedIndividuals. Amy is the TI Leader for Florida #TIDayRally. She spoke about her work at the Targeted Massachusetts - North Eastern Conference Call on August 5th.

"My name is Amy Holem and basically what I do is "Subliminal Acoustic Fingerprinting". I analyze audios and videos of victims that are going through the V2K*, the AI system synthetic telepathy and I actually help them prove their situation. But I also help the victims out in different manners as well, like collection of evidence (...). I'm currently helping right now do the TI day in Florida. So if anybody lives in the Florida area, on August 29th we are having the rally out in the Orlando area. If you're interested you can feel free to call and contact me."


Amy says that if harassment occurs using tapping through devices, the presence of a hacker may be identified with different techniques which may include sound spectrogram analysis.

The notion of subliminal is related to the notion of subaudible. The lower limit of human hearing is 20 Hz. Sub-bass is from 60 Hz to approximately 20 Hz. Human hearing is less sensitive at those frequencies and therefore related tones are not heard but are mostly felt e.g. as vibration. Sound systems use subwoofer loudspeakers to amplify sounds in the sub-bass range. Amy refers to subwoofers:

"Subwoofers cannot be picked up on audio. If you ever recorded a concert that had really loud bass in it, you would notice that that face doesn't come through but you could hear the singers on the stage through the microphone well."

You can find Amy here:Web