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Recurrence with Emily Moyer and Niish from Nox Mente

Emily and Niish dig deep into the strange entities and energies currently being sensed in the inner and outer realms.

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Producer's note:

Something that happens when I produce a show is, at times, a word or image will come up in the conversation that connects all the loose concepts to one unifier. Listening to Emily & Niish riff, the one word that came up was 'recurrence'. I thought: what does that mean? Turns out that recurrence is a mathematical term:

... a recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence or multidimensional array of values, once one or more initial terms are given: each further term of the sequence or array is defined as a function of the preceding terms.

It also occurs that recurrence, in certain mathematical applications, also takes us in the Fibonacci sequence. As you, the listener go through this talk, I hope you also grasp the latticework of images, terms, and concepts that weave in and out; and connect the disparate elements. ~Randy Maugans

Hour 1
The recurrent octopus entity

the double slit experiment and recurrent images, themes, and experiences; octopi imagery is more ephemeral, not precise; Niish relates etheric octopi entities “entering people”; dream language: “formless like smoke”, connecting to vaping and forms emitted in the vapors; octopi hive-minded entities; how entities are like mycelium with deep roots underground (hidden); “they are everywhere”; “possession”, as with access to the energetic field; suspension of disbelief;

Emily: connecting dance to octopi forms—voguing.

Discuss the film, “Arrival”; Sigils, imagery, tattoos, and embedded information; “toning”: resonant frequencies that cue to extra-normal perceptions; the act of observing changes the nature of things (double slit);

Yeast and fungus infections, like an “operating system” to host parasitic entities; ties into sugar as programmable matter; parasitic terra-forming; sky aerosoling/chemtrails/vaping as a cover for entities.

Hour 2

Hear the second hour of this show by joining OPR on Patreon.

Niish discusses dreaming within dreams as portal out from the grid we are in; how people become attached to labels of powerlessness. Levels of dreams and dream sequences; Waking is dreamtime... more...