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An ordained gnostic bishop and a highly empowered adept of esoteric voudon, Craig Williams has moved beyond conservative views of Vedic studies – evolving a radically unique system of esoteric hinduism and left hand tantra.

With over 25 years of academic and initiatic study in yoga, ayurveda, tantra, jyotish, and vedanta, Craig is the recipient of the prestigious “Veda Kovid”, “Yogacharya”, and “Yogayurvedaacharya” titles awarded by the American Institute of Vedic Studies and the Academy of Traditional Ayurveda.

Author of Cave of the Numinous: Tantric Physics Vol. I (Theion Publishing, 2014) and Entering the Desert: Pilgrimage to the Hinterland of the Soul (Anathema Publishing, 2017), along with numerous articles on health, martial arts, and authentic initiation in the kali yuga, Craig is a vocal proponent for the benefits of serious spiritual practice in the contemporary world.

You can find Craig here:Web