In her latest book, Tenacious Grace, Jenna Barbosa unpacks how our beliefs can lead to unhealthy behaviors including emotional eating. Jenna is a coach, counselor, author, and speaker who helps people overcome by examining their hearts and beliefs. Join us on this episode to hear Jenna’s story and be challenged towards growth by more closely examining your own beliefs! 

Jenna’s personal mission is to inspire resilience in people and lead them to the heart of Jesus. She does this through her writing, coaching, counseling, and speaking. Jenna recently started a nonprofit organization called Resilient Ministries while recovering from COVID-19. Her mission is to help you build better relationships with yourself, with God, and with others. Follow Jenna to find out more! 

Discover more about our guests:

Jenna’s Website

Follow Jenna on Facebook @inspireresiliencenow

Follow Jenna on Instagram @inspire_resilience 

Favorite quotes from the episode:

“Going through hard stuff in life has gotten me to the point where I can be me.”

“When it comes to overcoming an emotional struggle that’s tapping us, it’s important to realize we didn’t get here overnight and we’re not going to get out of here overnight.”

“We need somebody outside of ourselves to give us new information.”

“Needing counseling is not a ‘crazy’ issue. It’s a human issue.”

“We leave so much texture out of our relationships because of fear or comparison.”

“I’m not responsible for another human’s emotions. But I am responsible for how my behaviors affect their emotions.”

“What we do with change, that’s something good!”

“Doing relationship God’s way, with intentionality and clarity, sets you on a completely different trajectory.”

“Counseling takes you from past hurt into present healing. Coaching takes you from present healing into future growth.”

“Strong leaders have their own strong leaders. Strong counselors have their own strong counselors”

“The way to build true community is to serve people and to be serving with people.”

Fun things from the episode:

Tenacious Grace bookFearless WomenTrue Vine Services for Counseling, Coaching, Mediation, Education 

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Now That's Something Good Podcast by Sarah Good is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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