Meet Will Sealy, Co-Founder & CEO, and Daniel Macklin, President of Summer!

Summer is a certified B Corporation combining innovative technology and policy expertise to serve student loan borrowers across the country. Built by borrowers, for borrowers, Summer provides an end-to-end workplace student loan solution that is proven to reduce employee turnover and guaranteed to save employees thousands by simplifying student loans for everyone.

Summer partners with employers to deliver a tailored benefit that empowers employees to save for education, better manage their student loans, find forgiveness options, and lower monthly payments.  Summer has helped over 148,000 borrowers save an average of $333 per month on their student loan payments and save over $45,000 over the course of repayment. In addition, Summer recently announced $1.15B in total projected savings for members.

Their company has made huge progress since its founding, and continues to make great strides amid a complex and critical landscape.

They covered:

The scale of student loan debt and college costs crisis. It's not just a “student problem,” but rather one that impacts adults of all ages, and 80% of families in America
The impact employers can have in the immediate term to help employees’ overall financial wellness by introducing student loan and college cost planning solutions
The massive potential for employers to boost talent attraction and retention by addressing this critical concern for their workforce