So much of the innovation happening in the HR Tech space is about new ways of working. You can't just "shop for AI" and get the organization on board overnight. You can't download a skills ontology to automagically change the way your company hires and promotes people. Please don't buy a CRM just because you're having a hard time competing for talent. These are all TOOLS. Tools build what you tell them to. Don't leave the drawing board until you know the outcomes you need; then you'll know the right tools.

HR Tech providers are driving a ton of innovation, and it's all way ahead of their buyers' ability to consume it all. Should they slow down? Nope. But it does change how they go to market, how they position and sell to you, the incremental value they demonstrate and the change support they offer to help you get there. For the reallllly bright shiny stuff, it means providers have to train and educate the market more than they have before. 

Michael Johnson has dedicated a career to driving revenue and growth strategies for some of the most innovative HR technologies in the industry. He weighs in with Jason and Jess on how HR Tech providers can win the market in 2024.