Don't call it retirement. Lexy Martin said that she's simply 'redirecting.' "I can't stand the word 'retire' and I failed the first time I did so, but this time, it will take." Lexy may be leaving Visier after 55 years in the HR Tech and people analytics business, but she will redirect her energy to passion projects, pursuing a future self that will satisfy her as much as research. 
That's quite the thing at 78 years old. To have contributed 5 decades and a giant legacy to the HR Technology industry and know you haven't done everything that satisfies you yet.
But, couldn't let Lexy "redirect," without giving her a proper toast and send off! Listen here for a special industry farewell to Lexy Martin. We walked down memory lane of her 55 year career, shared her learnings, and had some amazing stories from other special guests that have been instrumental to her contributions over the years.
If you're lucky enough to know Lexy, you know she's both a Master Researcher and Master Gardener, an early pioneer of People Analytics and vocal advocate for inclusive solution design, an avid world traveler, and one of the first women analysts in work tech. "Lexy has been my cheerleader from the start, as I have been hers, and I am one of AT LEAST 100 WOMEN who can say that," my co-host Jess Von Bank shared. 
💡 READ MORE from Lexy about her decision and her learnings after 50+ years in the tech industry: