Today we get a sneak preview of Leapgen’s brand new change management services led by David Henschel and Emily Liddle in their presentation called a Digital Change Experience that Sticks.

David spent 7 years as a Lead Associate at Booz Allen, and ran his own consulting group before joining the Leapgen team, and Emily is a Digital Workforce Transformation Specialist who is a pioneer in the digital experience movement. In this episode we dig deep into why traditional change management has failed us during the pandemic and why it’s so important to evolve and thrive in 2021. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

There is no better way to kickstart the year than with LEAPGEN at our FUEL 2021 event. It’s a two-day digital conference that is action-packed with content-rich presentations, You’ll hear from Jim Holincheck on emerging HR Tech, Henry West on digital strategy for the CHRO, and of course Jason Averbook will kick start the event making massive predictions for the new year.

Register today!

David Henschel:

Emily Liddle: