Lively and informative episode featuring “TITAN” aka Michelle Coyle.

Michelle is a veteran campaign operative and business consultant who has taken her Ivy League MBA Skillz and applied them to the world of campaign consultancy businesses, podcasting and really anything that fits her fancy – but not in any fanciful way. She is a no nonsense business person who helps people figure out their motivation, their path to profitability and realize their potential. Just listen to how quickly she gets Dave and Chris shooketh with her logic and understanding of the solopreneur world.

She has worked for such luminaries as former Minority Leader and Presidential contender Richard “Dick” Gephardt (D-MO) and Democratic ad maker Julian Mulvey.

*Official Bio Alert* Michelle Coyle is CEO of BGSD Strategies, a firm that trains progressive leaders in business basics. With 19 years of experience as a serial entrepreneur, management consultant, and angel investor under her belt, Michelle is the go-to expert for impact-focused entrepreneurs who want to grow businesses FAST.

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