Greg Bluestein is a political reporter who covers the governors’ office and state politics, and contributes to The Political Insider blog for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s. Before working for the AJC, he was an AP Reporter based in Atlanta for 7 years. At The University of Georgia, he was the Editor in Chief of The Red and Black. 

Greg Bluestein represents a little bit of The Road Not Traveled for both of your intrepid hosts, but more so for The Chairman. 

As we discuss in the episode, both Dave and Greg possess degrees  in Journalism from The Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications at The University of Georgia.  They also both have an emphasis via said degree in “Newspapers.” 

Chris and Dave met on the staff of The McIntosh Trail newspaper in high school. Greg and Chris both have degrees in Political Science. Ironies abound. 

Dave is a political consultant of some renown, Chris runs a successful on-site rental and logistics business, and Greg is a reporter – albeit one who hasn’t picked up a pica stick, or had to read a story over the line in a phone booth to get it in for the evening edition in quite some time. 

So the next time someone gets on their high horse about “Liberal Arts Degrees” not preparing students for “Real World Jobs” you can point them our way. 

We are also all Sons of The South, though the term has undergone a change in meaning in recent years, graduates of The University of Georgia, passionate about the politics and the media of our changing region, and about the success and failure of our schools’ football team. (TYLER SIMMONS WAS ONSIDES). 

Greg’s a tremendous guest, a go to for reporters and others who want to grok Georgia’s changing politics, and an all around mensch! 

You can find his latest work via the AJC website:

Greg's Twitter: @bluestein

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