Next Episode: Bob Shrum Part 2

BOB SHRUM! He of “The Dream Will Never Die” and “The Shrum Primary” fame!


Bob is a legend in the business of political consulting, and a member of the American Association of Political Consultants Hall of Fame.


We had such a good time, and talked about so many people and events that we split this one into two for the audience to better digest the vast array of subjects we cover.

Over the course of both episodes, we talk about everyone from former Alabama State Senator Pierre Pelham and former Alabama Governor George Wallace, to old bulls of the US Senate such as Richard Russell, John Stennis and James Eastland, The Kennedy Brothers and Carol O’Connor, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and TS Elliot, “The Gary Hart Corollary,” Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, Michael Dukakis, Zell Miller, Doug Jones, Frank Stitt and Wolfgang Puck, and Bear Bryant and John McKay and another 100 or so in between.

You can learn more about Bob’s work and the mission and programming of The Center for the Political Future via their website

Bob' twitter: @BobShrum

CPF's twitter: @USCPolFuture

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