Previous Episode: Donna McGrew, Gold Star Mother
Next Episode: Kyle Turner, SuperDad

Anna Coleman is finding hope and courage after a recent and tragic loss. Discover how she is moving through her pain to live a life bigger than she dared before on this week’s episode of Now I See.————————————————————————————————————————

Anna Coleman grew up in a large, close-knit family that learned to rely on each other through difficult seasons of life. They have lived and worked in Mongolia, Montana, Wyoming, Connecticut, Utah, and now a farm in rural North Dakota. Anna enjoys music and a wide variety of outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and camping. All these things have helped Anna become resourceful, resilient, and good at making friends and putting people at ease. Anna eaned her Associate Degree in Art and Science from Willisotn College, and is currently training to work with people from cultures that share knowledge through stories and oral traditions. Anna has been able to use her training, knowledge and skills every day as child-care worker. Part of her job requires her to teach and comfort preschoolers. After a shocking tragedy that rocked her entire community, and affected her deeply and personally, she is having to learn to find comfort and healing herself. In circumstances that might cause others to shrink back, Anna is courageously growing through the pain so she can bring hope and comfort to people around the world. In this episode, Anna is teaching us how to use our pain to propel us forward, to face life’s challenges, to find beauty in the ashes, and to spread the healing balm of comfort to hurting people everywhere.


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Quilts of Valor

Crisis Response Ministry


Project Linus

Blue Star Mothers

Texas Baptist Home for Children

LifeLine for Families, Inc.

UMW of Texas (Woman Build)


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