'Burning Witness'- 5 week biblical, spiritual and practical blast: starts Wednesday, 13th January 2010
This is an introductory school of evangelism which investigates the following topics:
* The Fire of God: Love and Fear
* The Anointing
* Prophetic Evangelism and 'Treasure Hunting'
* Preaching the Gospel
* Healing on the Streets
The school starts Wednesday, 13th January 2010 at 7pm (for 5 consecutive Wednesdays)  at the Moravian Chapel, 381 Kings Rd, London SW10 0LP 
Learning will take place in both the 'classroom' and on 'the front lines' so there will be weekly team outreaches (Thursday evenings) on to the streets and a 2 week trip to India.  You are strongly encouraged to come to India with us to get the full sha ba! (package).