Guest speakers Justin Mohamed, Victorian Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, and Joumanah El Matrah, CEO of the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights, join Nous Group’s Tim Orton and Deb May to discuss the continuing barriers to inclusion for Australians from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The panel discusses how the dangers of discrimination and unconscious bias hold back individuals, companies, communities, and the country as a whole. Justin and Joumanah share their personal stories of facing racism, suspicion and exclusion and going on to become leaders in their fields, and share their advice for how these dangerous and restrictive attitudes can be dismantled and eventually eradicated. Collectively, the panel discusses how Australian organisations can create and sustain equal opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds to contribute and thrive in their workplace, thereby building stronger businesses and communities, and eventually a stronger nation, piece by piece.

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Guests: Tim Orton, Deb May, Justin Mohamed, Joumanah El Matrah

Hosted by: Deb May