Madelaine Golec graduated from McMaster University in 2012 completing her Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy and started her study of Pelvic Health in 2014. Is currently working on her Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certificate.

As a pelvic floor physiotherapist she is passionate about helping uncertain moms-to-be prepare for birth so they feel capable and confident in their bodies ability to birth and recover. She wants women to actualize their full power and potential in their journey to motherhood and beyond.

So many moms-to-be are worried about labour pain, how they are going to handle it, are they going to tear, what medical interventions might be used, fear of something going wrong and what will become of their bodies after birth.

Madelaine gave birth to her daughter in 2016 without any medical management or epidural. She attests her wonderful birth experience to preparation of her body, knowledge she gained about labour and birth and preparation of her mind, which she now wants to share with others, so they can have a positive birth experience. This passion comes from hearing so many clients say, “I wish I had known and why didn’t anyone tell me.”

Madelaine has developed a 5 pillar strategic approach to help women prepare for birth and postpartum recovery, through a mind-body embodied approach focusing on Connection, relaxation, activation, preparation and pain management.


Free Mini-Training: How to work with labour pain to have a more positive birth experience

Free Masterclass: How To Prepare Down There for Birth

The Better birth method Online DIY Program:


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