Becky Lee is a cancer thriver of over 20 years, a naturopathic doctor with a special focus in cancer and a cancer coach.  She has worked with 100s of patients and clients over the years from primary prevention to diagnosis to cancer recovery post treatments and is passionate about walking beside her patients where they need her.

She also has three girls and is passionate about helping women!  Her heart and practice is in helping women, just like her, thrive after cancer treatments through her Femme Thrive Method cancer recovery program.  As a cancer survivor - she knows intimately what that journey feels like - and how lonely it can be and how being deemed cancer-free doesn't always feel free!  She also knows how lives and health can change for the better if the proper tools and strategies are put in place and is fiercely working to share that message!

With the statistics as high as 1 in 2 being affected by cancer sometime in their lifetime, Becky believes optimizing our health has never been more important not just to prevent cancer and other diseases but to help us live our best purpose driven lives.

Instagram: thrive.nd -

Facebook: Dr Becky ND -


Youtube: Thrive Method Hub -


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