In this episode, listen in with Professor Nick Hopwood for an uplifting life-enriching conversation that’s all about tube-feeding and the heart-filled, ground-breaking work that he, colleagues and families involved in SuCCEED do.

Imagine. Up to 30% of children experience feeding difficulties and as many as 1% of children are tube-fed at some point – but tube-feeding is an almost invisible yet vital issue in our health – and food - system. SuCCEED's interdisciplinary team and innovative approach is changing that:
undertaking research to better understand 'who' delivers primary health care and,
'what' best practice care looks like,
along with data to better inform and drive change,
and the incredible website and outreach events they've created to support parents and families whose children are tube-fed.  

SuCCEED is the Supporting Children with Complex Feeding Difficulties (SuCCEED) Study Group.  It's is a unique collaboration between researchers, families and clinicians who are passionate about helping children with feeding difficulties and their families, and has been produced by the families, clinicians and researchers of the Supporting Children with Complex Feeding Difficulties (SuCCEED) Study.

Professor Nick Hopwood is a Professor of Professional Learning at UTS, and Co-Convenor of the Life-wide Learning and Education Research Group within the School of International Studies and Education. The SuCCEED initiative is supported by the Early Life Determinants of Health, Clinical Academic Group at Maridulu Budyaru and brings together families, academics and clinicians.

For many babies, infants and parents, tube-feeding is a vital part of everyday life, it’s life-saving, and it can be life enabling, creative and joyful especially if supported by creative care practices and networks. Visit ChildFeeding.Org to learn more about:
Our vision is a world where children with feeding difficulties thrive.
Our mission is to help families celebrate and embrace mealtimes, however they choose to feed.

"As the only evidence-based online resource by parents, for families of kids with complex feeding difficulties in Australia, this is the table where everyone is welcome. The SuCCEED Study and are working for change, so that every family knows the simple joy of sharing a meal, and every child thrives".

To support SuCCEED head to:

SuCCEED on Facebook:

Recent Papers: 
Hopwood, N. (2021). From response and adaptation to agency and contribution: Making the theory of practice architectures dangerous. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 3(1), 78-94. 
And the  The Blend –  a beautiful ‘big’ resource published  by Cardinal Health in 2022 that shares incredible personal stories of parents and kids who tube feed, lost of recipes, technical, health and nutrition tips. SuCCEED's arts program features in it too.  Visit:

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Insta @ nourishing_matters

FB @ nourishingmatterstochewon

Acknowledgement: Image provided, with permission by SuCCEED

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In this episode, listen in with Professor Nick Hopwood for an uplifting life-enriching conversation that’s all about tube-feeding and the heart-filled, ground-breaking work that he, colleagues and families involved in SuCCEED do.

Imagine. Up to 30% of children experience feeding difficulties and as many as 1% of children are tube-fed at some point – but tube-feeding is an almost invisible yet vital issue in our health – and food - system. SuCCEED's interdisciplinary team and innovative approach is changing that:

undertaking research to better understand 'who' delivers primary health care and,
'what' best practice care looks like,
along with data to better inform and drive change,
and the incredible website and outreach events they've created to support parents and families whose children are tube-fed.  

SuCCEED is the Supporting Children with Complex Feeding Difficulties (SuCCEED) Study Group.  It's is a unique collaboration between researchers, families and clinicians who are passionate about helping children with feeding difficulties and their families, and has been produced by the families, clinicians and researchers of the Supporting Children with Complex Feeding Difficulties (SuCCEED) Study.

Professor Nick Hopwood is a Professor of Professional Learning at UTS, and Co-Convenor of the Life-wide Learning and Education Research Group within the School of International Studies and Education. The SuCCEED initiative is supported by the Early Life Determinants of Health, Clinical Academic Group at Maridulu Budyaru and brings together families, academics and clinicians.

For many babies, infants and parents, tube-feeding is a vital part of everyday life, it’s life-saving, and it can be life enabling, creative and joyful especially if supported by creative care practices and networks. Visit ChildFeeding.Org to learn more about:

Our vision is a world where children with feeding difficulties thrive.
Our mission is to help families celebrate and embrace mealtimes, however they choose to feed.

"As the only evidence-based online resource by parents, for families of kids with complex feeding difficulties in Australia, this is the table where everyone is welcome. The SuCCEED Study and are working for change, so that every family knows the simple joy of sharing a meal, and every child thrives".

To support SuCCEED head to:

SuCCEED on Facebook:

Recent Papers: 

Hopwood, N. (2021). From response and adaptation to agency and contribution: Making the theory of practice architectures dangerous. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 3(1), 78-94. 
And the  The Blend –  a beautiful ‘big’ resource published  by Cardinal Health in 2022 that shares incredible personal stories of parents and kids who tube feed, lost of recipes, technical, health and nutrition tips. SuCCEED's arts program features in it too.  Visit:

Follow Nourishing Matters 

Insta @ nourishing_matters

FB @ nourishingmatterstochewon

Acknowledgement: Image provided, with permission by SuCCEED

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