This episode is syndicated from Dr Tim Gerstmar Aspire Natural Health podcast. We love Dr Gerstmar and would highly recommend you subscribe to his show.

You should listen to this episode to get a fly-on-the-wall perspective of two brilliant doctors with different backgrounds problem-solving using similar techniques.

Sign up for our Highlights email and every week we’ll send you a short (but sweet) email containing the following:

One piece of simple, actionable advice to improve your health and performance, including the reference(s) to back it up. One item we read or saw in the health and fitness world recently that we would like to give a different perspective on, and why. One awesome thing that we think you’ll enjoy! Here’s the outline of this interview with Drs Tommy Wood and Tim Gerstmar:

[00:00:48] Highlights email sign up.

[00:04:02] Protocols vs. basic science education and principles.

[00:06:05] Cooks and chefs.

[00:07:18] Tim's previous appearances on my podcast: How to Test and Predict Blood, Urine and Stool for Health, Longevity and Performance and Methylation and Environmental Pollutants with Dr. Tim Gerstmar.

[00:07:53] Tommy's background and path into medicine.

[00:09:03] Internal and emergency medicine.

[00:09:35] Tommy recently successfully defended his PhD.

[00:10:13] Emergency vs. health care

[00:10:41] Examining the root cause of multiple sclerosis using engineering techniques (paper, talk for the public, talk for physicians).

[00:11:30] Tommy's blog and podcast.

[00:11:53] Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution podcast.

[00:12:21] Kalish Institute for Functional Medicine.

[00:13:28] Applying knowledge in the real world.

[00:13:50] PubMed warrior.

[00:14:37] The sexy abstract.

[00:16:52] Ivor Cummins, aka The Fat Emperor.

[00:18:29] The popularisers.

[00:19:04] Seattle.

[00:20:04] Neonatal neuroprotection.

[00:21:18] Dale Bredesen's protocol to reverse Alzheimer's.

[00:21:49] Buck Institute for Research on Aging.

[00:21:59] Bredesen, Dale E. "Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program." Aging (Albany NY) 6.9 (2014): 707-717.

[00:22:36] Bredesen, Dale E. "Metabolic profiling distinguishes three subtypes of Alzheimer's disease." Aging (Albany NY) 7.8 (2015): 595-600.

[00:23:36] Cytoplan supplements.

[00:24:40] Dementia screen.

[00:25:34] Requesting an MRI.

[00:26:07] B12, folate, vitamin D.

[00:27:08] Health insurance companies are not incentivised for the long term.

[00:30:09] Evolutionary mismatches.

[00:31:34] Article: How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs - The Atlantic.

[00:33:07] Wasting willpower on diet, the importance of family buy-in.

[00:36:04] Communal eating.

[00:36:32] Ludvigsson, Jonas F., et al. "Increased suicide risk in coeliac disease—a Swedish nationwide cohort study." Digestive and Liver Disease 43.8 (2011): 616-622.

[00:38:24] The psychological cost of achieving physical perfection.

[00:39:23] There is no biological free lunch.

[00:40:07] Book: The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal.

[00:41:17] Orthorexia.

[00:42:34] The goal is balance.

[00:44:00] Health Unplugged, Darryl Edwards.

[00:46:09] About NBT.

[00:48:53] Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol.

[00:49:04] Jamie Kendall-Weed, MD.

[00:50:15] The basics are the same for everyone.

[00:51:18] The plant analogy of health.

[00:52:26] The Foundations of Health.

[00:53:20] Even coaches need coaches.

[00:54:25] Functional Forum.

[00:56:21] Medical doctors are trapped in a system that doesn't work.

[00:57:39] Integrative psychologist.

[00:59:17] Telemedicine.

[01:01:19] Most of what we do doesn't require a doctor, but sometimes we make a referral.

[01:02:56] The Bredesen Protocol is evidence-based medicine.

[01:05:37] The alternative world needs to publish.

[01:09:31] Chiropractor on Tim's podcast "driving out chiros out of practice"

[01:13:00] No one has all the answers

[01:15:27] Dr Ragnar on Facebook and Twitter.


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