Featuring guest speaker, the Honorable Helen E. Freedman (Ret.), who served 36 years on the New York State Court bench.  

In Episode 6 of Notorious, we discuss the case of Daimler A.G. v. Bauman. This case addressed the issue of personal jurisdiction.  A German corporation, Daimler A.G., was being sued in California federal court for injuries allegedly caused by Daimler’s conduct that took place entirely outside the United States.

Writing for an 8-1 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ginsburg determined that the California court could not exercise personal jurisdiction predicated on the California contacts of an American subsidiary of Daimler.  The Court found that doing so would violate the limits imposed by federal due process.  Justice Sotomayor filed a separate opinion, concurring in judgment.

The Honorable Helen E. Freedman (Ret.), who served for 36 years on the New York State Court bench, joined by Patterson Belknap attorneys Michelle Bufano, Rachel Sherman, and Tom Kurland, discuss the Court’s prior decisions on personal jurisdiction, Justice Ginsburg’s majority opinion, and the impact of her legal legacy on personal jurisdiction jurisprudence.

Related Resources:

For a selection of Justice Ginsburg’s writings, see Decisions and Dissents of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  A Selection, edited by Corey Brettschneider.

For more information about Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP, see www.pbwt.com.

For information about becoming a guest on Notorious, email Michelle Bufano.

For questions or more information about Notorious, email Jenni Dickson.

Related People:

Honorable Helen E. Freedman (Ret.)

Michelle Bufano

Rachel Sherman

Tom Kurland