Summary of the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase of 2022, the traditional Microsoft conference of E3 to present the novelties of Xbox Series X|S and Game Pass, among which are Starfield, Avowed or Forza Motorsports, among many others.

The Summer Game Fest has today celebrated one of the most anticipated stops, the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022, the first joint event between Xbox and Bethesda after the purchase, in which both Xbox and Bethesda first party studios have shown the news they are working on for Xbox Series X | S and PC, and that will arrive from the day 1 to Game Pass.From Starfield to the new Forza, going through Scorn or Awoved, it’s time to check if all the rumors of recent days have been true, during a 95-minute event that, as Phil Spencer anticipated, “would have some surprises “.An event that has focused on the games that we will be able to play in the next 12 months, and that has put the focus on gameplay, rather than CG trailers.



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