So, were a little late to the game talking about this, as this was all over the TTRPG news channels and websites when this landed in early January 2024 (See the link to the Twitter page for Ben Riggs posts below, as well as some of the products and games that we talk about.) We want to share our opinion on where we see the tabletop scene going in the near future, and why we agree, or disagree with Mr. Riggs summation.


Welcome to Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed, This past week, we didn't end up playing our Pathfinder 2nd edition game, as Jared failed his fortitude save vs disease, but thankfully, he has recovered and he roped Steve into a conversation about a post from a prominent RPG historian, and their predictions on the TTPRG hobby as a whole, and to be honest, their predictions are not painting a good picture of the future of our hobby.  The person who made these posts on X/Twitter is Ben Riggs, a well known Historian in the TTRPG space, and their predictions are that the "Golden Age of TTPRG's is Dead".  A quite...sensationalist opening, but they make some interesting points to try to extrapolate the future of the genre of Tabletop Role Playing Games, with the struggles of Dungeons and Dragons (Mostly self imposed) in recent history, as well as many smaller developers gaining massive budgets for their new projects to add their piece to the mix of TTRPG's with extremely successful crowdfunding campaigns.  

Even if you agree, or disagree, we ask that you DO NOT attack, or harass Mr. Ben Riggs, or anyone else making comments about this subject, people are allowed to have their opinions, and we want their to be an open discussion.


Ben Rigg's Twitter Thread

Shadowdark's RPG Website

Dungeon Craft's YouTube Page

Dungeon Craft's Deathbringer RPG


Runehammer's Crown and Skull RPG


Battlesauce RPG

Dungeon World RPG


Thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice you can use our discount code of SpicyNVNG that is good for 10% off your entire purchase!!!


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Music provided by StreamBeats Synthwave albums Ego, Lone Wolf, Renegade, Breaker, and Sunset by Harris Heller/Senpai Records.

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