What’s wrong with feeding imaginary animals imaginary food, and why is Reddit so upset by it? Should a toddler be allowed to play video games? Are Samaritan laws like the one passed in Canada recently a good idea or do they just provide an easy out for drug abusers who should otherwise be locked away? […]

What’s wrong with feeding imaginary animals imaginary food, and why is Reddit so upset by it? Should a toddler be allowed to play video games? Are Samaritan laws like the one passed in Canada recently a good idea or do they just provide an easy out for drug abusers who should otherwise be locked away? What makes a good church? Can sex be a religion? Can you worship Joe Pesci? What’s the right punishment for sexually abusing an animal?

Stories mentioned in episode 111 of Nothing Serious Podcast include:

Reddit wants Mojang to stop feeding imaginary birds imaginary chocolate
Canada passes law which grants immunity for drug possession to those who call 911 to report an overdose
Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act
Sex club posed as a church to evade the cops
Woman Arrested for Shooting at Teen for Attempting to Rape Dog

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