It's that time of the week again; that time when Petters and Brekis from around the world gather to celebrate one of the most inconspicuous of traditions, the recording of the podcast of the Nothing Important Happened Today show. All hushed in reverence and respect, they bring their thoughts and their trials and tribulations to the table, as they recount tales of sorrow and woe, joy and mirth, death and rebirth, and the Swedish tradition of having sex before you start dating somebody.

It’s that time of the week again; that time when Petters and Brekis from around the world gather to celebrate one of the most inconspicuous of traditions, the recording of the podcast of the Nothing Important Happened Today show. All hushed in reverence and respect, they bring their thoughts and their trials and tribulations to the table, as they recount tales of sorrow and woe, joy and mirth, death and rebirth, and the Swedish tradition of having sex before you start dating somebody.