In the first episode of Nothing Important Happened Today, Petter Mårtensson and Breki Tomasson sit down and try to remember how they got to know each other in the first place, and how they got introduced to the topic that brought them together oh so many years ago.

From online newsgroups to London Bookstores via obscure card games and made-up religions, they eventually come to realize what a fickle mistress fate can be.

Show notes and links:

alt.discordia (
Illuminati (game) (
The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan: Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440539810: Books (
Masks of the Illuminati: Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440503064: Books (

In the first episode of Nothing Important Happened Today, Petter Mårtensson and Breki Tomasson sit down and try to remember how they got to know each other in the first place, and how they got introduced to the topic that brought them together oh so many years ago.

From online newsgroups to London Bookstores via obscure card games and made-up religions, they eventually come to realize what a fickle mistress fate can be.

Show notes and links:

alt.discordia (
Illuminati (game) (
The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan: Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440539810: Books (
Masks of the Illuminati: Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440503064: Books (