*TRIGGER WARNING* This episode contains accounts of rape and sexual trauma. 


Morgan Day Cecil's superpower is separating women from shame so that they can be set free to embody the woman they are made to be.


She leads The EMBODY Academy, a 3-month supportive chrysalis for emerging women: women ready to reclaim power, pleasure, and playfulness at the intersection of sexuality, spirituality, and success--and go from surviving to thriving and create way more impact in the world.


She has a Master's Degree in Philosophy and has spent 20-years training in mind-body methodologies for healing and transformation, including breath-work, trauma-release, hypnotherapy, deep feminine psychology, and tantra.


Her greatest desire is to bring light to dark places and help women heal their own gaze and expand their capacity to love and be loved.




Website: http://morgandaycecil.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morgandaycecil/

Patriarchy Stress Disorder (book): https://amzn.to/342cDRR