Heidi Suydam is the founder of the SOS Blog, Simply Our Society - focused on midlife, mom-life and more.


In this episode, we examine the effects of purity culture through a Mother’s perspective. Heidi shares how her time entrenched in a toxic religious organization nearly cost her her relationship with her oldest daughter, and what she learned about herself as a woman and parent through the dissolution of fear-based beliefs. We also talk about her evolution from those days and how lessons learned are currently influencing the way she mothers her 2 younger daughters. 

 “I have been humbled to the point of seeing people and society through a filter of love, equality and gentleness where before I had a filter of right, wrong, and harshness.”




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The conscious parent: https://www.amazon.com/Conscious-Parent-Transforming-Ourselves-Empowering/dp/1897238452