Leisse. Mutha. Fuckin. Wilcox. 


This woman. WOW. She might be an actual angel sent to help mere mortals plant exotic, evolutionary flowers atop the shittiest of circumstances.

    In today's conversation, Leisse shares about the awakening that lead to a painful divorce, Her devastating battle against cancer (and the bestselling book that came from it), Her work as a Master Conscious Relationship Coach, and how she alchemizes pain into beauty. 


We LAUGHED, we cried, we snorted, and we all over-shared. Go find her RIGHT now on any of her chosen platforms. You need her light and her silvery melodic voice in your life. 



Christin & Jo



Website: https://leissewilcox.ca/ 

Leisse's Book: To Call Myself Beloved

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/