In the second half of this 2-part conversation, "Dearly Departed", Kiana shares one of the most profoundly impactful experiences of her life-Singing her Grandmother to the other side. 


Kiana Reeves is a Somatic Sex Educator, sexological bodyworker, pelvic health practitioner, full-spectrum doula, mother of 2, and Chief Brand Officer at Foria. With over a decade in the field of sexual wellness, Kiana's work brings together teachings from the fields of birth, sex, pleasure, intimacy, and embodiment. 


Some of the topics we gently probe in this conversation:


Experiencing a more natural integration of loss...


The similarities between the process of being born and the process of dying...


Allowing the depth of our grief to open us to the amount of love that is present in the same measure...


Allowing our children to witness the process of dying.


Viewing death as our final invitation to deeply know someone and be known.


You can lightly (and respectfully) stalk Kiana on Instagram!