The climate art of Cape Farewell, Ian McEwan's novel Solar and the oil industry connections of Whole Earth Catalog founder Stewart Brand all come under scrutiny in episode 10 of Notes From Underground.

This is a series of essays from Dougald Hine (co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project), exploring the deep context of the new climate movements. The first six episodes traced a series of lines from the moment of Extinction Rebellion and the school strikes, back into the longer history of industrial society and its unacknowledged consequences. In the sequence that began with episode seven, the theme is 'knowing what we know': the encounter with the knowledge of climate change, not as a set of facts that can be held at arm's length, but an experience of knowing that leaves us changed.

Notes From Underground is produced in collaboration with Bella Caledonia. You can support the making of this series by going to:

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