The last time the climate crisis was getting this much attention, it was Al Gore striding on stage to talk us through the high-end PowerPoint presentation of An Inconvenient Truth. From Greta Thunberg to Gail Bradbrook to Jem Bendell, the strange collection of public figures at the centre of the new climate movements have little in common with Al Gore. They don't have a neat story about how it can all be OK. Their voices are powerful because we can hear their fear.

In Notes From Underground, Dougald Hine (co-founder of The Dark Mountain Project) invites us to go deeper into the context of these movements and what they tell us about the moment in which we find ourselves. This first episode traces a route from Stockholm in August 2018, through the advice that Extinction Rebellion didn't take from climate communications experts, to the question of what an Alcoholics Anonymous for a whole culture would look like.

Notes From Underground is a weekly series, running through the winter of 2019/20. You can read the essays at Bella Caledonia, watch them on YouTube, or listen to them as a podcast.

To support the making of this work, go to Dougald's Patreon page.

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