Michigan Parole Board process and more view questions. 

How much time, and how long does a Michigan parole board meet with inmates during their entire sentence? You're going to be floored when you find out in this podcast. I knew the state incarceration system is messed up, I also knew that the state recidivism rate is high...so I was prepared for an absurd answer...but when I found out I was really upset and frustrated. It just confirms how much more work we need to do in order to begin to start fixing our failed system. Even if you don't know someone behind bars in our state, as a tax payer you should be furious. Since our state legislatures fail to address this serious issue, Bobby wrote what real prison reform would look like. It's detailed but gives not only and insight to what's wrong with the current system, but he also provides solutions. Link to this article - The Reformation Of American Incarceration - listed below. 

If you live in Michigan I urge you to reach out to your local state Rep and ask them how they are going to address this issue, and when. We can't do this alone. 

Bobby's Article: https://www.notesfromthepen.com/new-blog-2/2019/9/9/the-reformation-of-american-incarceration-an-inmates-perspective

Contacting Michigan State Reps: https://www.house.mi.gov/mhrpublic/frmFindARep.aspx

You can read more about Bobby and prison reform on our website:  notesfromthepen.com

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