BONUS pre-show clip, followed by Episode 18. Let me first apologize for the terrible phone connection when Joe calls the podcast, as well reminding listeners that they have to call back several times throughout this episode. Prison phones are notorious for static and distortion, and even though I can usually edit the noise, I wasn't able to clean his part of the conversation up as much as I would have liked. Regardless, we hope you find this episode entertaining, and insightful. 
Jeremy introduces the listeners to G.R. Joe,  who's been bunkies with Bobby several times, and over the years they've become like brothers. This episode talks about political correctness...or more correctly...the lack of correctness...behind bars. Bobby & Joe trade a few stories, including one where you’ll never look at Ramen noodles the same! 
You can read more about Bobby and prison reform on our website:
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