Notapom Productions' Podcast.

Continuing our Frost Bites highlights for 2020! In our penultimate Frost Bites Highlights episode we have a tantalizing conversation about the intricacies of imposter syndrome with playwright and performer Grace Smith. All those big words to show that we might be the person this show, called The Smartest Person in the Room, is all about (spoiler, it’s not…). Grace is helped in this exploration of by fellow performer Jordan Kuzyk, dramaturg Ryan Hughes and co-director Kat Letwin. Lots of laughs and some great insights make this episode (possibly) the smartest we’ve done so far!

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Twitter: @gracectomy

The Frost Bites festival runs January 30 - February 2nd at the Hamilton Waterfront Trust Centre with all shows performing several times each evening. Check out Hamilton Fringe Frost Bites for all the details about this and the other 6 shows, and to get tickets.

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