In National Geographic’s Secrets of the Whales, which debuted on Disney+ this past April, viewers witness the majestic mammalian families whose sense of commitment and loyalty are very akin to our own. Composing this stunning series is Raphaelle Thibaut, whose investment in her craft comes through most beautifully in complementing the amazing visuals with an oceansong score that only enhances the experience. The score ranges from heart-pounding to soothing, and everything in between, and along the way Raphaelle showcases her facility with a range of tools and instruments to accurately convey the emotion. Raphaelle joins host Brett Nachman on Notably Disney to discuss her musical background, unexpected journey to becoming a composer, unique contributions to Secrets of the Whales, and much more.

Follow Raphaelle on Twitter (@Raphae) and Instagram (@raphaellethibaut). Check out the soundtrack for Secrets of the Whales on Amazon, Apple, and many other places where you can download or purchase the soundtrack. Learn more about the forthcoming Secrets of the Whales concert experience featuring Raphaelle's score via IMG Artists.

Feel free to reach out to Brett via Twitter @bnachmanreports, subscribe to the podcast, and send your feedback at [email protected]

New episodes of the podcast debut on the first and third Tuesday of every month.

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