Welcome to today's episode of notable leaders radio where I speak with Amy Conway-Hatcher, author, advocate, accomplished award winning lawyer, former federal prosecutor and mom. 


She shares her incredibly courageous journey to success and how she redefined what success is for her along the way. 


Amy challenges leaders to take bolder actions to fix an uneven playing field while advocating for women to stand firmly in control of their careers. She's committed to her true purpose and mission, using her voice to empower others to embrace change, and to see the value in organizational culture. 


Join us and be emboldened by Amy’s story, so you too can create the life and career you truly desire, regardless of what others may think.


Guest Bio:


Amy Conway-Hatcher is a fierce advocate, warrior career mom, and former federal prosecutor. After decades of managing 24/7 crises, climbing to the upper echelons of Big Law, and sacrificing family for career, Amy did the unthinkable. She walked away from her high-paying equity partner job and an unsustainable climb...to reclaim her life. 


Amy wrote Infinitely More to shine a spotlight on systemic workplace inequities that hold women back. Through witty and darkly humorous story-telling, Amy challenges leaders to take bolder actions to fix uneven playing fields, while advocating for women to stand firmly in control of their careers. 


Today, a partner in a boutique law firm specializing in complex legal problems, Amy thrives as an advocate, author, speaker, and mom of two amazing, feisty, quick-witted teens. She's committed to her true purpose and mission - using her voice to empower others to embrace change and to see the value in organizational culture shifts.





Here is a link to learn more about Amy’s book, Infinitely More https://www.amyconway-hatcher.com/book-reviews 


All book proceeds are being donated to organizations supporting women & girls. Check out Giving Back!



Here is a link to have  access to  articles Amy has written and other resources https://www.amyconway-hatcher.com/media


Belinda’s Bio: 


Belinda Pruyne is a sought-after Leadership Advisor, Coach, Consultant and Keynote speaker. She is a leading authority in guiding global executives, professionals and small business owners to become today’s highly respected leaders.


She gained a wealth of expertise in the client services industry as Executive Vice President, Global Director of Creative Management at Grey Advertising, managing 500 people around the globe. With over 20+ years of leadership development experience, she brings industry-wide recognition to the executives and companies she works with. Whether a startup, turnaround, acquisition, or global corporation, executives and companies continue to turn to Pruyne for strategic and impactful solutions in a rapidly shifting economy and marketplace. 


Website: Belindapruyne.com

Email Address: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/belindapruyne 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NotableLeadersNetwork.BelindaPruyne/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/belindapruyne?lang=en 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/belindapruyne/

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