GUEST: ERIN from (sub)Text


The final episode of our Misfits & Outcasts series is here! It's Cool Hand Luke! To help us talk about this HUGE classic, we have on Erin from the (sub)Text podcast: (SUB)TEXT Literature and Film Podcast | Books, Movies, Plays, Poems (


Erin is a pro at dissecting and understanding complicated films and we have a ton of fun with her really taking apart Cool Hand Luke. It's a classic in many respects:  an acting masterclass, an actual textbook on how to shoot a movie. But maybe, we find some pieces that don't quite work. Maybe the imagery? Maybe the direction? What even is at the heart of this movie? How many eggs can you actually eat in an hour?!


We answer all these and more. We also bid farewell to our Misfits and Outcasts series. It was fun for us (and chaotic) and we hope you all had fun listening. It was a labor of love and it is only with fond memories that we think of this series: hopefully, we will return someday. But we are excited for the road (or sea :) ahead.


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