We know owning rental properties is a path to build wealth, and how building a portfolio of them is like building an income producing army, but while buying one or two seems doable, it's hard to imagine how we get to 3, 4, 5, and beyond.

That's why we called our ace guest host- Paul Shively, head of the Passive Income Club at Fortune Builders- to show us the path to building a portfolio!

Paul will join co-founder of JWB Real Estate Capital, Gregg Cohen, and Not Your Average Investor Show, Pablo Gonzalez, to talk about

- How the average investor creates a plan to save for multiple rental properties
- Where savvy investors find extra sources of capital to accelerate their real estate portfolio growth
- Why some investors are able to grow their portfolio without any additional capital outside of their real estate holdings

If you want to walk into a cocktail party and talk about your "real estate portfolio one day... you don't want to miss this session!


Are you ready to seize the potential of real estate investing without the hassle? Look no further! Introducing our course, Not Your Average Investor’s Guide: Investing in Rental Properties... Passively. Enroll now!

🎙 Register for the next Not Your Average Investor Show and never miss a thing! - www.nyais.com


🏠 Network with our family of ‘Not So Average’ Investors in our Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/rentalpropertyinvesting

🧰 Want our free passive investor toolkit? Go to www.jwbpassiveguide.com

💰 Ready to Build Your Wealth Plan?

If you’d like to schedule some time to chat with our expert team about how we can build and implement your plan for acquiring rental properties, visit https://chatwithjwb.com/ to set up a strategy session call.


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