Tired of that "depends" answer?  Let's get beyond that, then!

Here's the deal-

Prices have gone up, interest rates have gone down, there aren't a lot of properties for sale on the market, and everyone has different priorities. 

That's why we're going to run through multiple scenarios on this show that will help you get a realistic estimate of how much you should expect to put down on a rental property.

Gregg Cohen, co-founder of JWB Real Estate Capital, and show host, Pablo Gonzalez, will bring you a new understanding about:

- what prices. rents, and returns are right now in the single family workforce housing rental property market
- how different down payment amounts affect the internal rate of return (IRR) and experience
- why you would want to put more or less down on a rental property, depending on your goals

This is the number one thing people ask on the phone with our team, so we know you're asking. 


Are you ready to seize the potential of real estate investing without the hassle? Look no further! Introducing our course, Not Your Average Investor’s Guide: Investing in Rental Properties... Passively. Enroll now!

🎙 Register for the next Not Your Average Investor Show and never miss a thing! - www.nyais.com


🏠 Network with our family of ‘Not So Average’ Investors in our Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/rentalpropertyinvesting

🧰 Want our free passive investor toolkit? Go to www.jwbpassiveguide.com

💰 Ready to Build Your Wealth Plan?

If you’d like to schedule some time to chat with our expert team about how we can build and implement your plan for acquiring rental properties, visit https://chatwithjwb.com/ to set up a strategy session call.


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Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rentalpropertyinvesting