We are very excited to bring to you today’s guest, the beautiful Shar Weil.

She shares with us her journey that led her into fitness and had her create and build her business that is all about helping people feel more strong, empowered and free.

You will learn how she pulled herself back up after a fatal brain tumour and a toxic relationship, how she found her passion for training again after being told she would never be able to and how she manages this all as a single mum.

We also talk about how your physical, emotional and spiritual health are connected, how to create a healthy relationship with training and nutrition, how to deal with your emotions and so much more!

This episode is packed with golden nuggets so make sure to bring a notepad!

Make sure to connect with Shar on instagram https://www.instagram.com/blonde.and.strong/ and listen to her podcast blonde-strong

As always, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode and leave us a review so we know what you thought about todays episode.
