Individuals on the spectrum have what we can describe as different brain wiring. Their neurological connections between various brain centers are not as strong, which makes it challenging for them to process multiple pieces of information rapidly. This can make navigating our fast-paced world incredibly exhausting and difficult for them.

Neurotypical people like you and me can effortlessly filter out around 80% of information that's not relevant to the task at hand. We focus on what's important.  This filtering mechanism allows us to quickly process information despite this fast-paced world. We immediately and subconsciously filter out all the information irrelevant to that objective.

For some of our kids, this might be only a mild problem, but for others, this is severely disabling, making the world very confusing and overwhelming. It's essential to be patient, give extra time to process and respond, and above all, be proactive to provide them with tools and strategies that work for them.

If you want to learn strategies and tools that you can use to improve your life along this autism parenting journey, be sure to get over and get registered for our FREE Course, Unburdened; Finding Balance Living Alongside Autism ⁠

It is a self-paced video course that will help you reduce your stress and overwhelm and show up better every day.

If you want to learn strategies and tools that you can use to improve your life along this autism parenting journey, becoming Not Your Average Autism Mom is your answer.  We are the single best online resource for moms raising autistic children.  

Is the educational journey overwhelming and confusing for you?  Our member portal has an array of training and resources with everything you need to know about Special Education and you can join LIVE ZOOM calls with an Advocate to get any of your specific questions answered.  

Maybe you are feeling alone on your journey or maybe you are looking for other moms to connect with in a PRIVATE community who understand your day-to-day challenges, be sure that you check out ALL THE BENEFITS available for you when you BECOME Not Your Average Autism Mom. 

Have a topic you would like me to discuss on the podcast? Email us at [email protected]

Additional Resources:

Episode 96. Our Parenting Journey is Different

Episode 74. You Cannot Fix All the Things All the Time 


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