People say some stupid stuff when they think they're among friends. "All Jews" are this, maybe. Or "all Muslims" are that. Do you confront casual racism when you hear it, in private places like the dinner table, from family or friends? Or do you bite your tongue?

Two Sydney women weren't sure that straight up confrontation would work all by itself, so they helped write a play that worked it. Nur Alam and Yvonne Perczuk are part of the writing collective Abe's Babes, which wrote the play The Laden Table about casual racism around Sydney's Muslim and Jewish dinner tables.

Links for this episode:

Follow Abe's Babes on Facebook to keep up with future productions of the play.
Bakehouse Theatre's production of the Laden Table has a short video of the production.
Some short explainers, if you want to know more about the Nakba and the Holocaust.

Songs from Dinner Table Racism:

Poyeyu (feat. Mariela Gerez) — Selva
Mir — Murcof
Kravchenko – Fair (Guitar Version) — Richard Patterson (Little Odessa soundtrack)
The Song From Venus — Stephin Merritt
Cornfield Chase — Hans Zimmer (Interstellar soundtrack)