War in the news is kind of hard to watch. Conflict gets presented like sports — two sides: one wins, one loses. Advocates of peace journalism think that war can be covered better than this. And, by reporting more to us than just a zero-sum game, it can offer ways of dealing with conflict that aren’t just about violence and who’s committing it.

Zainab Abdul-Nabi is a former journalist who’s especially interested in using peace journalism to look at Al Jazeera’s coverage of the Bahrain pro-democracy uprising in 2011, during the “Arab Spring”. 

Links from this episode:

Zainab’s article looking at Bahrain’s uprising through the lens of Peace Journalism.

Jay Rosen’s original piece on how some journalists seem to want to become political insiders.

If want to know even more about peace journalism, the Peace Talks Radio podcast has a deeper dive.