While a lot of newspapers in the grownup world are struggling to get by, one kind of newspaper is doing kind of ok thank you. In France, Germany and the UK children's newspapers are going strong, mailed out to a waiting audience of school-age children.

Saffron Howden is launching "Crinkling" April, a kids' newspaper in Australia and she's ready to tell us all about the workings of these junior newspapers.

Links from this episode:

Crinkling launches in April. Have a look at their pre-launch stories or subscribe. You might also want to read their story on whether whether Syrian refugees get to go to school.

There are all sorts of kids newspapers around the world. Mon Quotidien, publisher of two other kids' titles in France, Le Petit Quotidien and L'Actu. First News is an English language, UK newspaper that a lot of adults seem to read as well. Germany's Kruschel is also pretty cool (in German).

Mon Quotidien's Paris coverage actually published an English version (PDF). The New York Times tells you a little more about how they make that paper.

Who was that Craig Mod guy? Zacha wrote about him at Concrete Playground.

Songs from this episode:

Robot Parade — They Might Be Giants
Goodnight My Friends — They Might Be Giants
Love is Blindness — Jack White
This Abyss — The Gothic Archies
Drive Away — Thomas Newman (A Series of Unfortunate Events soundtrack)
Up the Spout — Mateo Messina (Juno soundtrack)
Shipwrecked — The Gothic Archies
Sleepwalkers — They Might Be Giants
The Hula Hoop — Carter Burwell (after Khachaturian)