São Paolo has a traffic problem. But while the cars stand still, motoboys (and motogirls) ride up the "corridor of death" between gridlock. Over two hundred thousand of them. It's an incredibly dangerous job.

Spanish artist, Antoni Abad gave the motoboys a voice atmegafone.net in the early days of the mobile internet and will tell you all about them, from the favela to the app economy.

He knows his motoboys.

Links from this episode:

The motoboy section of Megafone.net is still running, the better part of a decade later. If you're Sydney-based, you might want to check out his Sydney project Blind.wiki. If you're blind or vision impaired, you might want to contribute.

You can also check out a few of megafone.net's other channels.

Read the New York Times' article on Motoboys from 2004. Dated, but still good.

Antoni was in Sydney for Art and About as a guest of theSydney Cervantes institute.

You can also check out Rinaldo's mini-documentary about life as a motoboy. (It's ok: there are subtitles.)

Music in this episode:

The Shrew — Beirut
Jaan Pehechan Ho — The Bombay Royale
Ladri di Biciclette (Bicycle Theives) — Carlo Lippari
Dreamsong — Kim Boekbinder
Please Feel Free to Piss in the Garden — SQÜRL
Together - the xx
Monkey Fight Snake — The Bombay Royale