We can actually do a lot just with bacteria. Microbiologist Nicholas Coleman wants to tell you exactly how much. We can build them into computers, redesign them and even use them as computers. Which you can eat.

Links from this episode: Do some of this stuff yourself at Sydney’s Biofoundry; further afield, via DIY Bio’s great directory of spaces; at the iGEM competition (Sydney has a team this year); recreating a virus similar to the 1918 “Spanish” flu; make Nick’s life harder, learn about E. coli.

Songs in this episode:
Stellar Alchemist — Kim Boekbinder
Lighten Up — The Beastie Boys
Electric Worm — The Beastie Boys
Suco de Tangerina — The Beastie Boys
Freaky Hijiki — The Beastie Boys

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