Catherine Newman is a writer with a varied career including two parenting memoirs and a middle grade novel. She had written for the New York Times, O Magazine, The Boston Globe and was a columnist for Real Simple Magazine. Her debut novel We All Want Impossible Things is the story of Ash, whose best friend Edi is dying of cancer. Set over a few weeks in a hospice, this book is filled with laughter and heartbreak. Catherine and I talk about the relief of laughing in the face of death, learning to embrace your natural writing voice and the how years of having to make a living from writing has had a positive impact on Catherine's daily writing habit. We All Want Impossible Things is out now.

Ease Retreat - Non-fiction with Penny Wincer, Wales, April 20-23 2023

We All Want Impossible Things - Catherine Newman

#AmWriting Podcast

Love, Nina - Nina Stibbe

Catherine Newman on instagram - @catherinenewman

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