Are you feeling a little strapped for time?


I totally understand what it is like to not have very much time while also wanting to make a huge impact in the world of education and make a good revenue, but the truth is, you’re always going to feel like you don’t have enough time!


Luckily, I have a few time-saving hacks to share with you that you can use in your business.


The hacks that I am sharing in this episode have helped me cut back my work schedule from 40 to 60 hours down to 20 hours while seeing a huge increase in revenue and impact.


Episode 70 Takeaways: 


+ Not trading time for money as a business owner.

+ The effects of burnout in your business.

+ Focusing on the items that will give you the biggest return.

+ Intentionally planning so you know exactly what will get done.

+ The benefit of batch working your content.

+ Using a scheduler to post content.

+ Hiring for tasks that are not high-level.


Whether you're planning on eventually leaving your teaching position or you've already left and still feel like you don't have enough time for your business, this episode is jam-packed with helpful time-saving hacks that you can implement and benefit from.


If you make really good choices with how you spend your time, you can make significantly more money without putting in significantly more hours. I know that for a fact!


Tune in to learn more about what you need to be doing to make this happen!


I would love to connect with you! You can find me on Instagram at @not_so_wimpy_entrepreneur.


Links Mentioned: 

3 Ways to Be More Productive with Neill Williams

Blogging Week 4: Batching Your Blog Content

Meet Edgar Scheduler

Not So Wimpy Hiring Workshop