Taxes can be so darn stressful when you own your own business. It’s even more stressful when you are an accidental entrepreneur.


Even though the April 15th deadline has been pushed back, taxes are not going away any time soon.  We are going to have to pay them!


My guest today, Meg Wheeler, is a business and financial coach. She helps entrepreneurs to master the money stuff in their business.


I know that accounting is not a sexy topic, but Meg is so easy to listen to!


In this episode, Meg shares 5 different tips that will help to make tax time less stressful.


Meg Shares:

-Tools for keeping track of expenses and receipts

-Advice about quarterly tax payments

-Recommendation for the amount of money to put aside for taxes

-Tips about your business bank account

-Simple way to pay yourself and bonus yourself

-Adding money meetings to your calendar


I learned so much and will be adding “download day” into my schedule!


Resources Mentioned:

Wave Accounting:




If you want to learn more from Meg:


IG: megkwheller

FB Group: Badass Money Makers

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I would love to connect with you on social media. You can find me on Instagram @Not So Wimpy Entrepreneur.